Monday, July 30, 2012

1st Assignment: Orientation Video

My main motive for why I enrolled in Dr. Preston's AP English Literature and Composition course was because it was an AP course. AP courses have many benefits, the obvious one and why most people decide to take AP courses is the potential  for college credits. However there are many other benefits including weighted grading, difficulty, and experience. I myself am looking forward to the challenge as well as the pressure this course will present. I'm excited and equally nervous to see just what Dr. Preston has in store for us this year.

My goals for this year are to expand my vocabulary, enhance my writing skills, and become a better public speaker. Seeing that this is my last year of english at a high school level I'd like to take with me the most amount of knowledge and information to help me prepare for my next steps in life. I fully believe this course will not only provide me with the essential knowledge but in addition the confidence to share it, through the many lectures and group activities which are soon to take place.