Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocabulary List 6

Beatitude is a supreme blessedness
All children give the same amount of beatitude in different ways.
Bete noire is a detested person (disliked or avoided)
The hamburger was the vegetarians bete noire
Bode is to be an omen of a particular outcome.
The palm reader boded that she live a happy fortunate life.
Dank is disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold
The swamp was dank.
Ecumenical is related to all, universal
Today's discussion was ecumenical, because it involved personal opinions.
Fervid is intensely enthusiastic or passionate
The horse had a fervid nature.
Fetid is smelling extremely unpleasant
Eddie lack of using deodorant left his arm pits fetid.
Gargantuan is of great mass
Eddie's nose is gargantuan.
Heyday is the period of a person's or thing's greatest success or popularity
Eddie will probably never achieve a moment of true heyday in his life time.
Incubus is a cause of distress or anxiety like a nightmare
Eddie is a incudus.
Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation
The hospital was demed infrastruture for the fifth year in a row.
Inveigle is to persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery
I inveigled Eddie to lick the floor.
Kudos is praise and honor received for an achievement
Kudos to Eddie for licking the floor
Lagniappe is something given as a bonus or extra gift
If Eddie were nice he'd get me a lagniappe for being such a fabulous friend.
Prolix is using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy
I'm sure Eddie's vocabulary sentences are painfully prolix.
Protege is a person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege's career
A pimp is a patron to a prostitute?
Prototype is a first or preliminary model of something, esp. a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied
The prototype was just created therefore it wont be long until the product is released on shelves.
Sycophant is a person who acts obsequiously toward someone in order to gain advantage; a servile flatterer
Eddie is a perfect example of a sycophant
Tautology is the saying of the same thing twice in different words
Eddie always uses tautology when speaking with me as if I am unintelligent
Truckle is to submit or behave obsequiously
I try to make Eddie truckle in class but he just won't!

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